Battery Care for your Gtech Garden Tools

Care Tips For Gtech Battery Garden Tools

From the frost of winter to the sweltering heat of summer, extreme weathers across all the seasons can impact your Gtech battery gardening tools, if they are left outdoors and exposed. In fact, harsh weathers can damage any electronic gardening tool, in turn, shortening the lifespan of your Gtech battery. But many of us don’t give our battery garden tools a second thought, especially during winter – until spring comes and we find the battery is dead.

The solution? Storing batteries correctly. So, to keep your lovely Gtech battery tools safe, we’ve put together a guide to show you how to do just that. From how to test a Gtech battery to how to store a Gtech battery, read, below.

1. Give your battery a charge before storing

While it may seem counter intuitive as you will not be using your tools in storage, it is actually good to give your Gtech battery a quick charge before you store it away. Electronic devices can start to lose their battery charge over time, even when not in use, and this can cause problems such as your Gtech battery not charging. Now, this is called battery discharge, but we’ll get to why this is so bad for your Gtech batteries just a bit later.

So, to avoid any Gtech battery problems, we recommend that your batteries are charged to a minimum of 30% (two green lights on LED display). And if the state of charge falls below 25%, the battery should be recharged to prolong its life and prevent over-discharge.

2. Regularly check in on your tools

Since keeping your gardening tools at a level charge can help ensure the lifespan of your Gtech battery, it’s a useful tip to regularly check in on your tools in storage. Now, this doesn’t need to be every day, or even every week, rather we recommend you check on your gardening tools every two to three months. Simply check the battery charge and look out for any signs of rust or dulling of blades while you’re there.

Try popping a reminder in your calendar for two months from the day you store your Gtech battery tools to help keep on top of gardening tool maintenance.

3. Properly store your Gtech battery garden tools

At the heart of all Gtech electronic products is a lithium-ion battery, and they can very easily be damaged if you don’t store these batteries correctly. Lithium-ion batteries can start to deteriorate when stored in a temperature below 0°, which most areas of the UK reach as the winter sets in. That’s why It’s best to keep your Gtech lawnmower battery or trimmer battery at room temperature to avoid any damage.

While warmer temperatures are better, you’ll want to keep any Gtech battery out of direct sunlight and store them in a dry area too. This means outdoor sheds may not be the best place as they reach low temperatures and can be damp. Instead, find an appropriate indoor spot to store your gardening tools, such as an airing cupboard.

4. Follow battery care top tips

With the main advice done and dusted, we’ve got a few more Gtech battery care top tips to keep your gardening tools in tip-top condition for as long as possible. So, to store your battery gardening equipment, keep them away from any other metal bits such as nails or screws. If these come into contact with the battery terminal, it can cause damage.

What’s more, it’s best to store gardening tools such as hedge trimmers, grass trimmers, and handheld devices like sheers, upside down. This can help the blades stay sharp and prevent them falling over by leaning them against walls or popping them on shelves. And by keeping a few cleaning supplies – safety gloves, disinfectant wipes, bucket, and sponge – in the storage cupboard alongside your tools, you can easily give them a quick wipe down during your regular two to three month checks.

So, why do batteries discharge quickly in cold weather?

Our Gtech battery gardening tools use a specific type of battery called lithium-ion. Now, lithium batteries are used to power a range of electronic devices such as power tools and even phones, but they can be damaged by colder weather. The electric current from a battery is generated when positive and negative terminals are connected. This initiates a chemical reaction that generates electrons to produce a charge to those terminals.

But at lower temperatures, the battery’s chemical reaction is slowed and its ability to provide sufficient power is diminished – this is called battery discharge. An unused battery also deteriorates at a faster rate than one that is used and recharged regularly, as the chemical reaction inside causes it to self-discharge.

Don’t forget, our dedicated Customer Service Advisors are here to help you with any Gtech battery problems you may have.

Now you know how to safely store you Gtech battery gardening tools, but we’ve got more seasonal gardening advice to keep your garden healthy all year round. For tips on preparing your garden for winter or how to give your garden a new lease of life with a post-holiday tidy up, head over to our blog.
