How to clean carpet on stairs in 5 easy steps

How To Clean The Carpet Steps In Your Home

With you, your family, and the pets going up and down the stairs multiple times a day, it doesn’t take long for them to get a bit messy. And knowing how to clean stairs, be it carpet or hardwood floors, can be tricky. With steps to navigate and wires getting in the way, we know vacuuming the stairs is one of the more taxing household chores. But lucky for you, we’ve got tons of tips to make cleaning carpet steps much easier!

So, from how handy a cordless vacuum for your stairs can be to the best stair vacuuming tips, we’ve got all the vacuuming secrets, below.

How to clean the carpet on your stairs 

Now, before you begin cleaning the carpet on your stairs, you will need to make sure that you have a suitable vacuum cleaner, a brush, and a stair carpet cleaner. With your main carpet cleaning necessities out of the way, let’s look at the best way to clean the carpet on your stairs!

1. Brush the carpet on your stairs 

So, before you begin cleaning your carpet steps with the vacuum, it’s best to do a little bit of prep first. This will help you get the most out of your vacuuming. Start by using a course brush to help agitate the carpet on your stairs, loosening even the trickiest of embedded hair. Drag the brush back and forth, starting from the top of the step, running down, wiping off the dust and hairs picked up on a tissue for disposal.

Not only is this a great way to get a deeper clean on your carpet steps, but it also helps protect your vacuum. By removing most of the stray hair and dust before you begin vacuuming, you’ll keep your vacuum healthier, for longer.

2. Use a vacuum cleaner

With prep out the way, it’s time to take your ever reliable vacuum cleaner to your stairs. And we’ve got some top tips to make this typically mundane household task just a bit easier! Before you begin vacuuming, you want to make sure your vacuum is fully charged, if you’re using a cordless model. And regardless of the type of vacuum you use, always be sure your vacuum is empty before use to ensure the best pick up. Now, using a vacuum cleaner on the stairs can be taxing, but we all know going down the stairs is always much less of a hassle than going up them. So, it’s best to start at the top of your stairs, vacuuming down to the bottom.

Lastly, do a quick pick up of any dog toys, stray socks, and larger bits of household debris before you begin. This is a super quick and easy way to be sure cleaning your carpet steps is a seamless and simple task for you.

TOP TIP: cleaning your stairs is also a good opportunity to give your handrails a thorough dust down to displace any dirt, which will then be vacuumed up with the rest of the carpet’s dirt!

3. Remove dirt and stains 

And lastly, to truly clean your carpet steps, you’ll want to remove any stains that might be ruining their look. While stains can be tough to remove, especially red wine or makeup stains, it isn’t impossible. In fact, with a simple cleaning solution, you’ll have clean carpet steps in no time! Now, you can pick up a carpet cleaner from most stores, but you can also easily make one at home.

Simply take an empty spray bottle and fill it with one cup of tap water, one cup of distilled white vinegar, and one teaspoon of dishwashing soap. Shake it all up and let it rest. Then, spray the stain until the area is damp, using a brush to gently rub the mixture into the carpet. Leave your stair carpet cleaner for about 10 minutes to allow it to settle deep into your carpet fibres. Then, dip a microfibre cloth into some cold water and dab at the stain until all the stair carpet cleaner is removed. Be sure the area is completely dry before vacuuming.

What is the best vacuum cleaner to use on the stairs?

With these carpet cleaning top tips covered, let’s now look at the main event – what is the best vacuum cleaner for your stairs? Now, as you walk up and down to clean your carpet steps, a wire dangling behind you can end up getting in the way. But using a cordless vacuum for your stairs, means you don’t have to worry about tripping or accidentally vacuuming up those pesky wires. And if you’re after a truly easy clean, then a handheld vacuum cleaner is one of the easiest for stairs due to the smaller brush head. With a lighter, more compact design, our Multi-Platinum handheld vacuum helps you clean your carpet steps with ease.

However, to get the best of both worlds in your pet hair vacuum, try our AirFOX bagless stick vacuum cleaner, which easily converts from an upright floor vacuum to a handheld unit.

With all those lovely tips to clean your carpet steps of stains, dust, dirt, and debris, you might be looking for some more cleaning tips. So for tips on how to stop dust allergies by cleaning to how to keep your home free of pet hair, head over to our blog.
