Gtech Team

5 Great AirRam Cordless Vacuum Reviews

5 Great AirRam Cordless Vacuum Reviews

The Gtech AirRam is a cordless vacuum cleaner that is specially designed for floor cleaning, with high performance on both carpets and hard-floors. The highly efficient lightweight design means you can enjoy the cleaning performance of mains powered upright vacuums without the cord. It changes the way you clean your home forever.


Most importantly, people love it. A common theme runs through all the reviews we see: users adore the freedom, convenience and performance of both our AirRam and our AirRam K9 cordless vacuums, while at an affordable price.

1. "Can Gtech’s daring upright cordless cleaner compete against Dyson’s world-conquering benchmark stick?"

"If price is a major obstacle and you’re looking for a stupendously good cordless vac that is a breeze to use and extraordinarily efficient, then the Gtech AirRam MK2 has few peers. Its ability to clean carpets down to the webbing is second to none, its bin system is magical and it goes on running for up to 40 minutes at a time. Figure in the handy headlight and wherewithal to reach deep under beds, and you have one of the most commendable upright cordless vacs on the market."

T3 Smarter Living


2 "...the Gtech AirRam Mk2 in all its glory."

"Possibly the greatest cordless upright vacuum on the market today at an extremely attractive price. The Gtech AirRam brings together 15 years of innovations. It is lightweight, versatile and has some technology that no other cordless vacuums have. Subtle features on the AirRam such as the condensing dirt collection system - which keeps your vacuum light but also makes it easy to empty - and the front-facing LED light system really help you clean your home in a way that other cordless vacuums at this price point can't. If you're looking to buy a cordless vacuum cleaner for your home and you're unsure of what vacuum is right for you then I would personally recommend the Gtech AirRam, it's the perfect all-rounder and the price means it comes in way under many of the competitors."



3. "The Gtech Air Ram has taken the upright cordless vacuum cleaner and moved it up a gear."

..."You see there are features on the Air Ram that you didn’t realise you needed until you see them. Once you see them you wouldn’t feel comfortable using a vacuum cleaner without them. As an example the integrated headlights, Gtech have included them on the Air Ram and the Multi. If someone had said a great feature of a vacuum cleaner would be headlights I would have laughed and thought they needed help. However, help is exactly what they bring!

....The Gtech Air Ram has a height adjustable handle, it is the perfect height no matter who is using it. The self contained dust receptacle is another great example, it compresses dirt and stores it somewhere that you simple slide the dirt out of. No mess on you or the floor.

The thing is, whilst these features aren’t complex, groundbreaking or particularly revolutionary, they are what make the Gtech Air Ram in my opinion the best cordless upright cleaner on the market today."

Tools Review


4. "This model of cordless vacuum cleaner from GTECH could just have all of your cleaning issues solved."

"It works excellently across all floor types and offers great levels of power that are sure to leave you feeling impressed with the finished result. In addition to this, the runtime and short charge period mean that you always have enough time to get your home perfectly clean.

While it does lack attachments, the option to purchase the accompanying handheld vacuum is there – and it does a fantastic job. Plus, if you have pets, the K9 makes for an even better choice overall.."

Smart Vacuums


5. "I’ve been vacuuming for the past 35 years and I can’t say I have ever enjoyed it – until I tested the new Gtech AirRam Mk2."

"Having put this product to the test I would definitely replace my cylinder vacuum cleaner with the AirRam Mk2. Quirky features like the headlights which I didn’t think I needed are in fact extremely useful when getting into corners and under the bath and sofas. The way the dirt collects in the cylinder, and how much is actually collected, is strangely satisfying. Emptying the tubular dirt bale is probably one of the most rewarding results of vacuuming the house. Obviously the carpet looks cleaner, but the satisfaction of ejecting large quantities of dirt into the bin can’t be beaten."

Fighting Fifty

Preparing your home for Christmas

Preparing your home for Christmas
Christmas time, mistletoe and wine, children singing Christian rhyme… You sang that, didn’t you? Maybe carried on with the rest of the chorus? Let’s be fair – who couldn’t resist belting out the Christmas tunes. Because it’s December. Because we can. BECAUSE THERE ARE ONLY 15 DAYS UNTIL CHRISTMAS!

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Burning calories while you clean

Burning calories while you clean

What if we told you that housework and gardening could have some surprising benefits for your body?

There are many activities that we undertake on a weekly or even daily basis that actually burn calories and can help you stay fit and healthy.

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How to get Cat & Dog Hair off Carpet, Clothing & Sofas

We all love our pets, and most of us would consider our cats and dogs to be firmly part of the family. But when our four-legged friends are leaving their pet hair everywhere, it can cause your home to look and feel unclean. Read below for some useful advise on how to get rid of dog or cat hair in your house.

How to remove cat & dog hair from sofas

Fed up of your furry friend leaving strands of fur on your furniture? We feel your pain. Lots of pet owners love to share the sofa with their cat or dog, but don't appreciate the hair they leave behind. One of the best ways to remove pet hair in the house is by applying a damp cloth to your furniture to attract the hair. When your cloth is covered in hair, simply rinse it off and repeat the process until all unwanted hair has gone!

Another great way to remove pet hair at home is by using a mixture of water and fabric softener with your cloth, which will help keep your furniture in great condition, without the risk of water damage.

How to remove cat & dog hair from carpets

One of the best ways to remove pet hair from the carpet is to gently scrape the surface with a pumice stone. By scraping gently, you will be able to collect enough hair without damaging your carpets.

If you don't have a pumice stone to hand, an equally effective way to remove dog, cat or other pet hair from carpets is by vacuuming. Pet hair can be stubborn, so make sure you have a pet vacuum cleaner - it's the best vacuum for pet hair and can easily pick up any pet hair lying around. We recommend you go over the area of pet hair multiple times and at different angles to get every last strand of hair.


How to get cat & dog hair off clothing

How many times have you held your beloved pets only to come away covered in hair? Lost count? Save yourself hours of brushing yourself down by getting yourself a good quality lint roller to keep your clothes free from hair. Lint rollers are super handy - the hair sticks to the tape and you can simply tear off the strip and throw it away when you're done.

Top Tip! To get dog hair off clothing, keep a lint roller by the door, so every time you go out, you can use the lint roller on your clothes - it's especially handy when you're leaving for work.

If you've got too much hair on your clothes, put them in the tumble dryer with some wet microfibre cloths - the idea here is that the hair will stick to the cloths. Once the cycle finishes, simply use a lint roller for any remaining hair.

How to prevent excess pet hair

It's great if you can stop as much pet hair getting around your home as possible. Brushing your pets thoroughly a couple of times every week is a good way to reduce the amount of hair that moults. Ask your vet for the best type of brush to use for different animals and breeds.

Keeping your home free from pet hair is a challenge, but not impossible! Thanks to the tips above, you should know how to get rid of pet hair at home: from your fabric furniture to your clothes.

Check out our cordless pet vacuum cleaner range to find out more information.

How To Remove Pet Odour From Carpet?

How To Remove Pet Odour From Carpet?

The luxurious, comfortable texture of your carpets can be badly affected by pet odours, and can lead to nasty smells circulating around your house. Let’s face it. There’s no way your family pet is being left out in the cold, but it can be off-putting when your well-loved pet is causing an offensive smell. From dirty wet paws from rolling in puddles, and smells caused by glands or oil on fur, pet odour can linger and cling to the fibres of your carpets. Here’s how to remove pet odour from carpets with a few simple tips and tricks.

How to remove dog & cat urine smell out of carpet

From air fresheners to steam cleaning, there are many different ways you can get rid of pet odour. Check out our top tips below for eliminating pet odour from your carpet and keeping your family and your pet happy.

We all know how unpleasant it is to have pet smells lingering on your rugs and carpets, so we’ve provided some of the best tips for removing pet odours from carpets, from cat urine smells to wet dog pongs – these tips work for all kinds of stench!

Vacuum regularly

Want a quick and easy way to remove pet odours from your carpet? Vacuum. Regular vacuum cleaning is a fantastic way to keep on top of all sorts of dirt and unwelcome bits in your carpets that can cause nasty smells. Make sure to invest in a powerful pet vacuum; designed with pet owners in mind. If the vacuum cleaner you invest in has been made to handle pet hair it makes the whole process much easier, and will help you more easily eradicate smells that linger when your four-legged friend’s fur gets stuck in carpet fibres.

Wondering how to remove pet odours from your carpet with your vacuum cleaner? Ideally, pet owners should be vacuuming their homes every day, but if you haven’t got the time, try to do it three times a week if possible.

Freshen your carpets

Noticing unpleasant smells around the house? This is a common problem for most pet owners, especially dog owners. Dog smell can be caused by a variety of triggers: glands behind their ears can cause a yeast like smell, and naturally produced oils on their fur, which helps keep hair and skin healthy, are common causes of odour you don’t want hanging around the house.

But what gets rid of dog smells from your carpets? When vacuuming alone doesn’t do the trick, it’s time to give the carpets a good old clean. Use baking soda to get rid of pet smells, by gently brushing it into your carpets, and leave it for at least half an hour. Once it’s soaked in, vacuum the carpet, and repeat if necessary until the odours have gone. This will ensure that any old dog urine smell in your carpet is much reduced or even gone completely.

Top tip: combine your baking soda with just a hint of baby powder to give your carpets a truly fresh smelling finish.

Switching to a natural diet

Wiping down muddy paws before you let your four-legged friends in the house will only get you so far – the smell may still linger! Research from Tasteforlife concludes that switching up your pet’s diet can help banish bad odours:

“I’ve been feeding my dogs a raw diet for many years now. Since I made the switch, they always smell good and need to be bathed less often. They are also less prone to ear infections, which cause bad odours in many dogs. This diet helps keep their teeth tartar-free, which means healthy gums and good breath. I believe many dogs smell bad because their bodies are constantly detoxifying the poor quality, unnatural ingredients in many processed dog foods.” – Nancy Strouss, People Training For Dogs, New York.

If you struggle to prepare a raw food diet for your pet, you could always swap their current food for an upgraded quality of meat-based food, with low-grain content that is soy-free.


Searching for a shampoo guaranteed to leave your pet smelling fresh as a daisy? If they’re in need of a deeper clean, deodorizing shampoos are great for keeping pets clean and smelling great. Earthbath’s natural shampoo is recommended by vets to combat not only bad odours, but also skin irritation. BarkLogic shampoo is vegan, cruelty-free and made from natural and plant-sourced ingredients. Their sulphate-free formula is known for soothing skin and relieving stress.

Make sure you also brush your pet regularly – it’s amazing how much of an effect a well-groomed pet can have on your carpets.

Air freshener

What gets rid of urine smells and other pet odours in the short term? Choosing a great smelling air freshener is a cost-effective way to get rid of pet smell in your home. Put air fresheners in the worst effected rooms. Whether you want a blast of citrus or wafts of peppermint, the choice of air freshener is entirely up to you. Whenever there’s a nasty smell in the house, fix it with a fresh, new smell. Be warned though – an air freshener is only a temporary fix to get rid of pet smell, and isn’t a substitute for regular cleaning and vacuuming.

Gtech's pet vacuum cleaners all use scented cartridges to keep your home smelling fresh and odour free.

Steam clean

Want to get rid of pet smell and increase the lifespan of your carpet? Have you considered steam cleaning? This may seem radical, but it will transform your carpets and make it feel as though they’re brand new. This isn’t something you’ll want to do regularly, perhaps once a year. You may also want to avoid using a steam cleaner if you have puppy pee or want to remove cat urine smell, as steam cleaners can set the stain for good.

If your pets are particularly messy, you might want to do it a bit more often. Seeing the difference in a carpet before and after steam cleaning will amaze you, and will make you want it that clean all the time – just make sure you keep any unwashed pets away!

Top tip: Make sure that any pet urine has been long taken care of before you use a steam cleaner on your carpets. The heat from the steamer can permanently set the stains into the carpet, something you’ll want to avoid.

Whatever techniques you choose, you’ll have your carpets smelling fresh again in no time. To save yourself from many pet related issues at home, be sure to have a suitably powerful vacuum: they make for the best pet vacuum cleaners, powerful enough for any odours they leave behind.

What is the best vacuum for pet hairs?

What is the best cordless vacuum for pet hair?

Pet owners – we’ve all been there. You’re doing some vacuuming, and then you come across what seems to be unmovable pet hair. Picking up the hair is a pain – you have to go over it again and again, and there always seems to be some that stays behind in the carpet. It’s time for a change, and it’s time to get yourself a pet vacuum cleaner. But what is the best vacuum for pet hair, and how do you choose the right one for you? Find out more about Gtech’s range of pet vacuum cleaners, to help you decide on the best pet cordless vacuum for your house.

What is a pet hair vacuum cleaner?

A pet hair vacuum cleaner is designed to cope with the extra strain you get from picking up pet hair. Our range of cordless pet hair vacuums are 4x4 upgrades, ideal for keeping your carpets spotless when your pets have been nearby. While it’s important to choose a pet vacuum based on its specifications, it can be just as important to choose one based on your pets’ habits. There’s a lot to consider…

What is the best vacuum for pet hairs?

Our K9 range of pet hair vacuums have all been designed specifically for homes with pets. All Gtech K9 pet hair vacuums are strengthened with aluminium parts, ensuring they can handle the daily vigour of vacuuming pet hair as well as the usual dirt and debris, as well as scented cartridges to keep your home smelling fresh and odour free.

AirRam K9 Pet Hair Vacuum

Key Facts:

  • Upright pet hair vacuum
  • Run time 40 minutes
  • Charging time 4 hours
  • LED Lights
  • Low profile handle
  • Aluminium components
  • Scented Cartridges

With a 40-minute runtime, the AirRam K9 has enough battery to clean most homes twice. In fact, it has the longest runtime of all our cordless pet vacuum cleaners. The AirRam K9 may look like an ordinary upright vacuum cleaner, but this is much lighter than most uprights out there. It performs well on both carpet and hard floors, and transfers well between the two – so well in fact that it doesn’t even need a switch between the settings. Thanks to its design, it moves easily around your home: you can steer it effortlessly to keep your home looking spotless. Looking for an upright vacuum capable of tackling the pet hair around your home? Find out more about the Gtech AirRam K9: it could be the one for you…

Gtech Multi K9 Pet Hair Vacuum

Key Facts:

  • Handheld pet hair vacuum
  • Run time 20 minutes
  • Charging time 4 hours
  • LED Lights
  • Crevice tool and extension tube attachments
  • Aluminium components
  • Scented Cartridges

Fed up with your pets leaving hair in the most difficult to reach parts of your home? The Multi K9 is here to help. The handheld pet vacuum offers 20 minutes of runtime: perfect for getting every last hair. Do your pets constantly lounge around on your furniture? Fed up getting covered in hair every time you sit down? The Gtech Multi K9 is perfect for keeping furniture free from hair so you can sit back and relax. It even has its own accessory kit, so you can vacuum even the most awkward to reach areas of your home. Simplify your vacuuming with the Gtech Multi K9.

Gtech Pro 2 K9 Pet Hair Vacuum

Key Facts:

  • Stick pet hair vacuum
  • Run time 40 minutes
  • Charging time 4 hours
  • LED Lights
  • Crevice tool attachments and extension tube
  • Aluminium components
  • Scented Cartridges

For great all-round vacuuming, why not try the Pro 2 K9? It combines the versatility of the Multi, with the upright cleaning ability of the AirRam, essentially a hybrid between the two. You can easily vacuum floors thanks to its long reach, and if you need to get to difficult to reach areas, simply detach it from the base, and attach one of its handy accessories. It easily transforms from floor vacuum to handheld pet vacuum. If you want an all-rounder that can effortlessly clean floors, furniture and everything in between, this is one you need to consider. Find out more about the Gtech Pro 2 K9.

Be sure to consider what you need from your new pet vacuum, including runtime, where you’ll need to vacuum regularly and storage space. For more information about any of our products, discover our full range of cordless pet vacuum cleaners.

How to Clean Car Interior – Seats, Carpet & More

How to Clean Car Interior – Seats, Carpet & More

We’ve all been there. Colleagues, friends or your in-laws ask the dreaded question, ‘are we OK to travel with you?’. You begin to shudder at the thought of their reaction to the mass of crumbs, the loose change and dust that will greet them as they step in. Not to mention the fact that you only took the dog for a walk this morning and the nose marks on the windows, and paw prints on the seats, are testament to what a great time he had. As embarrassed as you may be, you can’t say no.

Avoid the embarrassment and the unwanted costs of a professional valet by giving your car’s interior a thorough and professional looking clean, with our tips and advice on inside car cleaning. Here, we will cover how to clean car seats, what to use to clean car carpet and upholstery and, naturally, our recommendation for the best car vacuum cleaner to make your cockpit sparkle.

How to clean the inside of your car

To do a thorough job from your own garage or driveway, you need the right equipment. There are plenty of awkward spaces in your car’s interior including down the edge of your seats, air vents, cup holders and the centre console.

Equipment you’ll need includes:

  • A powerful vacuum cleaner
  • Soft brush - our Car Accessory Kit is perfect for inside car cleaning
  • Multipurpose cloths
  • Wet wipes
  • Dashboard polish
  • Upholstery cleaner
  • Hose pipe or pressure washer
  • Baking soda or detergent

As well as powerful, you’ll need an easy to manoeuvre vacuum cleaner. An upright vacuum just isn’t practical due to the roof height and amount of space available. As you move to each side of the vehicle, you don’t want to be dragging a heavy unit behind you or limited by the length of a cable from your nearest power point, particularly if you are outside. The Gtech Multi MK2 has been specifically designed to overcome the difficulties of car cleaning - cordless, lightweight and handheld, you can easily cover every area of your interior.


The standard fitments included will ensure you get all those loose crumbs and debris from the seats and surrounding areas, but for a thorough clean and removal of any engrained dirt, consider the Car Cleaning Accessory Kit. With additional fitments, including dusting brush, upholstery tool and flexible extension, you’ll be able to dislodge any dirt and grime engrained into the upholstery – so your furry best friend doesn’t need to miss out on his morning trip to the woods just because you have an important meeting the same day.

With your equipment sorted, here’s how to put them to use.

Use the Gtech Multi’s attachments to clean car interior

How to clean carpets and mats

It’s not the done thing to ask passengers to remove their footwear as they enter your car, which means your car mats will likely be the part of your interior which holds the most grime and needs the most attention. They’re also worth going the extra mile for, as they will be the first thing your passengers see as they set foot inside.

1. Remove them from the car

For speed, it can be tempting to try and clean your car mats without removing them, especially if you have a handheld vacuum. But the mats are removable for a reason – they are far easier to clean outside of the vehicle, and removing them also ensures that you don’t miss any of the mess which has built up under and around them.

2. Vacuum

Now they are removed from the car and laid flat on the drive, you can conveniently vacuum them just like any normal rug or carpet. You won’t need a handheld vacuum for this procedure and you can cover the width of your mat swiftly with the use of an upright vacuum, such as the Gtech AirRam MK2.

3. Soak

You might have thought we’d gone mad above when we suggested a hose or pressure washer, but don’t worry, we are not advocating soaking your interior. Instead, use this to soak your car mats.

4. Add baking soda or detergent

Sprinkle on a recommended load’s worth of cleaning detergent or baking soda like you’d use in your washing machine. Cover the entire soaked mat.

5. Brush

Using a stiff bristled brush or broom, scrub the mat thoroughly back and forth and side to side, to remove any engrained mud and dirt.

6. Rinse and dry

Using your hose or pressure washer, wash the suds from the mat and then hang to dry – either over the clothes line or laid over a wall until thoroughly dry – make sure you do not refit them whilst still damp, to avoid the smell and the risk of any slipping, particularly for the driver’s mat.

How to clean car interior with a cordless vacuum cleaner

How to clean car dashboards

Your hands are always busy when driving a car – changing gear, turning the wheel and applying the handbrake all result in a mass of skin cells and bacteria building up inside the car and manifesting in finger marks and a thick layer of dust.

1. Vacuum and brush

As recommended above, with the Gtech Multi Car Accessory Kit, you can add your soft dusting brush to your handheld Gtech Multi MK2 to remove any loose dust and crumbs that have built up around the vents, the surround of your gear stick, steering wheel and dash.

2. Polish

There are a number of specific polishes available for car interiors, specifically designed to be safe on surfaces, whether leather, plastic or wood effect. Your dash is of course located directly underneath your windscreen and is exposed to plenty of UV rays. Many car polishes include protectants to ensure your dash is protected against discolouring or cracking due this exposure.

Add to a microfibre towel or multipurpose cloth and wipe the dashboard and displays thoroughly, but AVOID the steering wheel and pedals. It is not recommended that you apply any polish to these areas as they may become slippery, which could affect your ability to control the car. Instead, for these areas, use a damp cloth or wet wipe and allow to thoroughly dry before driving.

How to clean car seats

Regular visits to a drive-thru or long journeys with children and pets can take their toll on your car’s seats. Unlike the mats, these aren’t so easily removable, so here your handheld vacuum cleaner will certainly come in handy!

How to clean fabric car seats

With your Gtech Multi MK2 fitted with small upholstery tool, you can really get into the fibres of your fabric seats to remove crumbs and other loose dirt. However, sometimes on long journeys, spillages or accidents can happen leading to stains. To remove these, you can wash the the seats in your car by spraying on some upholstery cleaner and leave to soak before using your small upholstery tool – the tool is designed with stiff bristles to help bring out any embedded grime and germs.

If you have leather seats, there are two reasons for regular cleaning. The first is obvious – keeping every passenger healthy and comfortable (whilst avoiding any embarrassment on your part) but secondly, keeping your leather in good condition. Due to this, we’d recommend a two-stage cleaning solution, a cleaner and a conditioner.

Firstly, give your seats a vacuum using your Gtech Multi MK2 with standard fitment, instead of the upholstery tool which could mark the leather. Then, apply your leather cleaner to a microfibre towel and apply. Finish with leather conditioner and your car is ready for its next adventure.

So, that’s how to clean your car interior. Avoid embarrassment or the cost of a valet, by doing a professional job of cleaning your car’s interior at home with the help of Gtech. Explore our best car vacuum cleaners and feel proud next time you’re asked to provide a taxi service.

Gtech’s Christmas gift-giving guide

Gtech’s Christmas gift-giving guide

The time has come again – we don’t know about you, but it only feels five minutes since we were writing our last Christmas gift list, trying to decide what on earth we were going to buy for that relative who has everything! We love jewellery and stationery as much as the next person but sometimes we need something a little bit more unique to pop under the Christmas tree, right?

Wrapping Christmas presents

Tailored Christmas gift guide

Christmas itself is a time of joy and merriment, but the run-up can feel slightly different! If you’re stressing about what to buy your loved ones this year and have no idea where to start in terms of Christmas presents, we’ve got you covered. Whether it’s gifts for dad, Christmas presents for the grandparents or the perfect surprise present for mum, our Christmas gift guide offers ideas for the special people in your life.

Nick Grey, founder and CEO of Gtech, has chosen some of his favourite products for this gift guide. We’ll be running through why each of our Christmas gift ideas is so great and, of course, who on your gift-list it is most suited to…

The Gtech AirRam

The Gtech AirRam is one of Nick Grey’s earliest inventions and one of our favourite Christmas gift ideas for grandparents, or, in fact, anyone who needs an extra push of power this year. After seeing his mother struggle with her traditional upright vacuum, Nick decided that there had to be an easier option. So, he designed the Gtech AirRam – a lightweight, cordless upright vacuum designed to make cleaning easier and more enjoyable. And, today, we’re recommending it as a fantastic present for gran or the person in your life that fights with their heavy vacuum at home.

Gtech Christmas

This lightweight vacuum is so easy to move around, even up and down stairs! It stands upright with no support so packs away neatly, has an easy-empty bin and, with no plug sockets or settings to change, you can glide around your home and get the cleaning done more quickly. The award-winning Gtech AirRam really does make easy work of the vacuuming, helping you give the gift of cleaning joy this year. Free up some time for that friend or relative who needs a lighter cleaning alternative.

The Gtech Multi

This is Nick Grey’s top gift pick for busy families, especially for dads. As a dad himself, Nick understands that home-cleaning rarely goes as planned when you have children! That’s why he created the Gtech Multi, our lightweight hand-held vacuum cleaner that’s always ready to go. This vacuum stores away easily, so it doesn’t need to become a permanent fixture in your hallway – perfect when there are little feet racing around.

Gtech Multi hand-held vacuum

The Gtech Multi is ideal for those emergency clean-ups – you know the ones where your kids have spilt cereal all over the floor and the in-laws are about to arrive? Rather than getting out a clunky upright, just nip around quickly with this hand-held cleaner. Don’t be fooled by its size, this machine is small but mighty. It also works really well in the car or caravan if your dad is a proud parent to a four-wheeled child, too! We’ve got a selection of add-on tools available in our Gtech Car Accessory Kit that offer car-cleaning as well as further versatility as you vacuum around your home – a lovely addition to our gifts for dad list.

Gtech Flood Light

Need more gift ideas for the men in your life this Christmas? Do you have a garden explorer, keen camper or avid fisherman who needs more hours of daylight to get things done?

Gtech Flood Light

Men like this are the one of the reasons that Nick invented our Flood Light. It’s perfect as an alternative to torches and can be easily carried, set down on a surface or hung up to direct light wherever it’s needed it most. In fact, the head rotates through 100 degrees, so you really can use it anywhere, making it one of the best Christmas presents for year-round satisfaction.

The Gtech Work Light offers three different modes so that the user can choose the type of light that best suits the situation. Whether he’s out and about in the wilderness, or, better still, expecting people over for an evening of mulled wine, this torch will be on-hand to help. Pop this rechargeable work light on the windowsill and light up the drive, garden path or entryway to make it easier for those arriving in the dark. Digging around the garage for spare chairs or hiding in the shed from all the Christmas chaos, the Gtech Flood Light has him covered. With up to 5 hours of run-time*, the rechargeable torch is sure to get a lot of use. We‘ll just apologise now for the fact that he’ll spend most of Boxing Day rummaging around in the loft...

The Gtech Pro 2

The best gift we can give to a parent? Perhaps the ability to feel clean in a world of mashed up food and endlessly sticky fingers! The Pro 2 bagged vacuum offers the perfect solution to everyday parenting dilemmas, making it a great gift for mum – a handy, time-saving wonder that makes cleaning far less of a chore.

Gtech Pro bagged vacuum

This cordless vacuum will save her time as she cleans, thanks to the lack of settings to change, cables to untangle and plugs to swap over as it moves from room to room. The Gtech Pro was our first ever bagged vacuum – the bags keep cleaning hygienic, with the dirt, dust and goodness knows what else that gets thrown on your floors safely trapped away while you clean, and while you dispose of it all.

This cordless stick vacuum cleaner is designed for whole-home cleaning, quickly transforming into a hand-held vacuum for those tricky-to-reach areas. Parents know that dirt ends up everywhere and that traditional vacuums can’t always reach to clean awkward spots. With the Pro 2, your mum can vacuum underneath furniture, across upholstery and between seats and cushions, if she’s brave enough, that is…

Nick’s wish list

So, what do you get the man who already has access to a huge range of incredible cordless products? We grabbed a minute with Gtech’s founder and CEO, Nick Grey, to see what he’s wishing for this Christmas…

A father himself, Nick knows that there’s never quite enough time in the day to get everything done. Having kids means life is always full of surprises, whether it’s discovering a secret stash of cookies hidden somewhere in the sofa or the joys of a 4am wake-up call! Nick’s embracing it all and keeping his fingers crossed for a white Christmas, full of sledging with his kids, plenty of hot chocolates and cosy evenings spent around the fire.

Of course, he’d like something to unwrap on the day itself, too. If it’ll somehow squeeze into his stocking, he’s after a new surfboard. Whether he’s on a family holiday or taking time out on coastal product photoshoots, Nick’s drawn to the waves. And for the everyday businessman? Some fancy chocolate coins and comfy socks wouldn’t go amiss…

Christmas with Gtech

Bless us one and all

Now that you’ve got the big gifts out of the way, what about everyone that’s left? Whether it’s tricky teens or fussy friends, Nick’s thought of some great gifts for your loved ones this year. We obviously love our own Gtech products but we understand that you can’t give everyone a cordless vacuum or garden tool this Christmas! Here’s what Nick’s adding to his basket this festive season…

Personalised gifts always go down well – having your name or initials on something adds that extra touch and feels so much more… personal! This laptop case is perfect for pretty much anyone, from distant cousins to older teenage siblings. It’s smart and grown-up without being too serious – and it comes in a range of colours to suit anyone’s personality.

Friends can be really hard to buy for, however close you are, which is why Nick’s going for ‘experience days’ rather than actual gifts this year. For the adventurous among your group of pals – skydiving! Those who are bit more reserved might prefer something slightly tamer, so a day of brewery tours and tastings or champagne and Michelin-star food is probably more suitable.

Everyone has a jet-setter in the family, which is why Nick will be stocking up on this scratch-map. It’s perfect for people who love travelling and looks great hung up on display - it’s also a great conversation starter…

A very merry, Gtech Christmas

We’ve got plenty of great offers in the run-up to Christmas, from award-winning vacuum cleaners to cordless garden tools and electric bikes. Whether you’re buying for your mum, next-door-neighbour or, of course, yourself, bag a bargain this Christmas with Gtech and grant someone the gift of time…


*Run-times quoted may vary depending on modes used or surfaces cleaned.

Top tips for vacuuming pet hair

Top tips for vacuuming pet hair

Whether your feline enjoys afternoon snoozes on the sofa or your dog begs for belly rubs after dinner, pesky pet hairs are bound to creep into your home's soft furnishings (regardless of how conservative you are with cuddles).

So, to keep your home clean as a whistle, we asked our experts for their tips on keeping pet hair at bay.

Take a look, below, to see how you can tackle those stray hairs as part of your cleaning routine.

1. Make a clean start

Before you even consider cleaning a fluff-covered armchair or furry sofa, the first thing you need to do is make sure your vacuum is clean and fur-free (after all, you wouldn't clean a mucky surface with a filthy cloth, would you?)

To get your pet vacuum in the best shape possible, it’s a good idea to clear loose dirt and debris from its bin, along with all its attachments. This ensures maximum air can flow through your vacuum when you're picking up pet hairs - a particularly crucial factor when funnelling thick clumps of fur.

If you're using a bagged vacuum, this couldn't be easier - just throw the dirty bag into the bin and replace with a fresh one. Specialist pet vacuum cleaners, such as our Gtech Pro 2 K9, are ideal for dealing with these kinds of quick tidy-ups.

2. Gather your tools

A bog-standard vacuum might expertly clean up dust and debris, but how equipped is it to deal with pet hairs?

To make your cleaning routine easier, think about using new vacuum attachments. For instance, stair attachments (these have a small, flat vacuum nozzle) clean fluff spectacularly from stairs, curtains and upholstery. Crevice attachments (these have long, thin nozzles) are also great for getting to the places where pet hair typically collects, such as around doors, in corners and under beds. Alternatively, why don't you try an accessory kit? This gives you all the tools you need for any cleaning job, from living room carpets to car seats.

There are also special pet-cleaning techniques you can apply to your routine. For instance, if you're having trouble making a particular area fluff-free, try vacuuming in different directions to dislodge loose pet hair. Our handheld pet hair vacuum cleaner, the Multi K9, is ideal for scenarios just like this, thanks to its lightweight and compact design.

3. The magic of moisture

Fancy cleaning materials might look the part, but sometimes it's the simplest cleaning solutions which are the most effective.

For instance, did you know that all it takes to rid furniture of pet hairs is to sprinkle a touch of water to the surface? (It's true - the moisture from the water helps to loosen the hair).

So, next time you have a heavily matted carpet, simply dampen the fibres and quickly sweep the surface with a rubber broom - this will dislodge even the dastardliest hairs. Then, run your vacuum over the carpet to suck up the bound clumps of pet hair (just be careful not to add too much water, as this could make the hairs heavy and more difficult to vacuum).

4. Alternative methods

Once you've finished vacuuming, and before you have a well-deserved sit down, remember to take five minutes to prepare your home for the next wave of pet hair.

One of the ways you can reduce the amount of pet hair that blankets your home, is to invest in an air purifier. These nifty devices capture the pet hair that's hanging in the air. As a result, fewer hairs end up on carpets and furniture.

You can also help yourself by removing pet hairs from their source. No, we aren't asking you to shave your furry companion, although we do advise a regular grooming schedule if you want to keep loose hairs at bay (they'll probably enjoy the long brushing routines, too!)

Still unsure how to effectively remove pet hair from your home? Take a look at our range of vacuum cleaners for pet hair for a speedy - and specialist - cleaning solution.

Spring gardening tips

Spring gardening tips

Now that the weather’s finally picking up, it’s time to get your garden ready for the sunshine! We’ve got some great tips for April gardening, from weeding to mowing and planting. Whether you’ve got a small gem of a garden or a huge lawn, these gardening hacks will get your outdoor space looking perfect…

Damage control

We’ve been lucky enough to have quite a mild winter, so most April gardens should be in pretty decent condition. The first thing to focus on is all those areas that have been a bit neglected while it’s been colder. Gardening tends to drop off when it gets chilly and dark, as most of us want to be cosied up inside, not outdoors with a spade after work!

Get your April garden back on track, starting with any flower beds or planters around your garden. Weed out any unwanted bits that have been growing since you were last out there. For bigger flower beds, you’ll want to grab a spade and dig down to the roots of the weeds – don’t just pull out the top leafy bits you can see, as the plant will still be growing beneath the soil and will just keep growing back.

Pruning is easier than it sounds – cut back trees and bushes that have grown unruly over the cooler months. Secateurs are great for small plants or vegetable plants that need a gentle trim. For your hedges, you’ll want something a bit bigger! Gtech’s cordless garden range has some great options, with our cordless Hedge Trimmer making gardening easier, quicker and more enjoyable.

Make room for new growth

April plants and flowers need looking after, too. Spring plants like daffodils and hydrangeas are popping up already, so make sure you look after them and keep that beautiful burst of colour in your garden. De-head any dead bits – it’ll keep them looking pretty and will also encourage more growth. You’ll soon start to see newer buds blossoming with these types of plants, and with any winter pansies that have pushed through the soil.

Liberate your lawn

It’s finally time to get your lawn back in shape. Over winter, it can get pretty patchy and mowing can sometimes do more harm than good. Now that we’re getting some decent sunshine, your lawn will be back to growing at its normal rate.

Ease yourself back into mowing by starting off with a slightly higher cutting height than you’d go for mid-summer. This is because the grass might be uneven and you don’t want to risk going for a low cutting height and accidentally scalping it! Our brand new Cordless Lawnmower is made for the wild. It has 6 adjustable cutting heights from 30mm to 80mm, along with a 420mm cutting width, so you can enjoy versatile mowing throughout the sunny seasons. It also comes with a 50L grass bin, giving you plenty of room to play with! With no petrol to buy, store and clean up, it’s a low maintenance gardening solution. There are also no cords to untangle or accidentally mow through – get the job done quickly and easily so that you can sit back and enjoy your great outdoors sooner…

To give your lawn a fantastic finish, we’d suggest using the cordless Grass Trimmer made for those finishing touches. Its performance blades let you trim the edges of your lawn so that it’s beautifully neat. Unless you’re ridiculously lucky, there’ll be a few bare, straggly bits of grass in your lawn. Use lawn feeder to repair these areas and they’ll be luscious and green in no time, ready for all those summer BBQs.

Make your bed

It can be hard to resist the urge to replant all of your flower beds now that you’re actually spending time back in your garden. While we love getting new life started in our flower beds, it’s important to choose the right plants! Go for hardy annuals (veggies are great, too!) and you’ll get to enjoy them for years to come.

Head to your local gardening centre and check out what’s on offer. Most plants come with care instructions, so you’ll be able to quickly work out what extra soil or fertilisers you might need to buy, along with when you can expect to see flowers coming to life and carrots being ready to dig from the ground. Building a vegetable garden at this time of year can be fun, as there’s so much on offer! Choose veggies like leeks, cauliflowers and lettuce and your garden can quickly become an extension of your kitchen.

Bring the outdoors inside

Indoor plants are one of the best things you can add to your home, in our humble opinion. While it’s been miserable and rainy outside, we’ve been enjoying adding splashes of green to our living rooms, along with indoor hyacinths that brighten up bedrooms.

Now that we’re getting a bit more sunshine, our homes are much warmer in the daylight hours. That means your houseplants will be needing a bit more TLC, so make sure you’re giving them more water to counteract all the extra heat they’re getting in the days. Check the care instructions or have a quick look online to ensure you’re only watering the ones that need it! Don’t drown your plants either – it can be so easy to go overboard and think you’re doing them a favour by chucking in pints of water. Take it steady, check the leaves, buds and soil regularly and your indoor jungle will continue looking beautiful…

Check out or full range of cordless garden tools today!

6 Speedy spring cleaning hacks you need to know

6 Speedy spring cleaning hacks you need to know

Turn down the heater and throw down that knitwear: spring has finally sprung.

This means it’s time to swap your woolly gloves for the rubber kind and tend to the cleaning jobs you’ve neglected through the winter months. Yes, it’s time for the ‘big spring clean’.

From cupboards to carpets, blinds to basins, this is your chance to put those Marie Kondo cleaning techniques into practice and make your home sparkle again.

To help you get started with your spring clean, we’ve compiled six of our favourite vacuum cleaning hacks. It’s time to freshen up.

1. Unblock air vents in an instant

Have your air vents seen better days? Here’s a quick hack to get them looking fresh.

Firstly, move your Multi’s extension hose between the slats to dislodge big dust clusters. If your air vents are too narrow, simply dip a rag in a cleaning agent (washing-up liquid is fine) and wrap it around a butter knife. Then, move the knife over each individual slat to clear up any remaining dirt.

Gtech Multi handheld vacuum with extension hose

2.  Kill bad smells with baking soda

If vacuuming alone doesn’t kill the bad smells on your furniture and flooring, there is another quick and easy option to try – and all it takes is a handful of baking soda.

To remove lingering odours, sprinkle around 1tbsp baking soda on the offending area and wait for 30 minutes while it absorbs into the fibres. Then, vacuum it away. The result is odourless and chemical-free fabric!

3.  Branch out with your brush attachment

While your vacuum’s brush attachment might be made for cleaning musty fibres, we bet you didn’t know you could use it as a feather duster, too.

Thanks to its lightweight bristles, all it takes is a gentle brush over blinds, lampshades, bookcases, and mirror frames to give your space a fresh look.

4.  Remove carpet dents with ice cubes

Carpet dents have a nasty habit of ruining a living room’s look. Thankfully, they don’t need to be a permanent fixture on your flooring with this cleaning hack.

To give your carpet a plump new pile, simply head to the freezer, grab a handful of ice cubes, and place them on the dented area. As the water melts, your carpet fibres will swell back to their normal size.

Once the area is dry, run your vacuum back and forth over the fibres to finish it off.

5.  Make your own hardwood floor cleaner

Expensive hardwood floor cleaners are so last year. To save money this spring clean, why don’t you try a homemade cleaning solution using just white vinegar and water?

To make your mixture, fill a bucket with warm water and add 2 tbsp white vinegar. Then, dip a microfiber towel in the solution, wring it out, and attach to a mop handle. When you’re all done, dry your freshly-cleaned floor with a new microfiber cloth. For more on cleaning hardwood floors, take a look here.

TOP TIP: Don’t forget to vacuum and dust your floor before you start mopping, as this will ensure your cleaning solution stays debris-free.

6.  Clean carpet stains with sparkling water

Next time you come across stubborn carpet stains, break out the sparkling water.

Perhaps you’ve spilt red wine or have a pet who can’t keep their mucky paws away. To remove these stubborn stains, simply blot the area with sparkling water (enough to cover the stain) and spray a mix of 1:1 warm water and white vinegar.

After around 30 minutes, rinse the area with water and dry with a clean microfiber cloth. By this time, the stain will have lifted. The result is a beautiful, mark-free carpet.

TOP TIP: You always want to blot rather than rub stained areas. If you rub, you could force the stain further into the fibres, which will make it more difficult to clean later down the line.

Now you know what it takes to clean your home like a pro, take a look at our Gtech cordless vacuum range to make a speedy start on your spring cleaning.

Healthy home, healthy you: the history of vacuums

The history of vacuums

From horse-drawn combustion engines to pillow case inserts, the humble vacuum cleaner has come a long way since its inception more than 150 years ago.

Where early editions required a person to manually crank a bellow to pump air around the filter, now all it takes is a press of a button to quickly spruce up your space. To see how vacuums became the efficient, hi-tech cleaning devices we know and love today. Take a look, below.

American power

Believe or not, before there was electricity to power vacuums cleaners, manual versions did all the dirty work. The history books tell us that Daniel Hess, of Iowa, invented the earliest model of its kind in 1860 . This ‘carpet sweeper’ gathered air with a rotating brush, before using bellows to suck the debris into the filter.

This was soon followed by the “Whirlwind” in 1869, designed by Ives W. McGaffey. Unlike Hess’ invention, this was operated by cranking a belt-driven fan by hand. Then, just eight years later, Melville R. Bissell of Michigan designed a similar model, although this had a central bearing brush. However, this vacuum is often remembered not for its award-winning design, but for its visionary marketing; Bissell’s belief in advertising saw sales sky-rocket, and he is still referenced today as the first vacuum inventor to promote products.

Electricity boost

Soon after, Thomas Edison famously filed a patent for an electric lamp with a carbon filament in 1879 . This would later prove to be a harbinger for a series of electrical inventions which proliferated around the world.

However, while electricity inspired numerous new vacuuming models, there was one which was especially revolutionary: it was called the “Pneumatic Carpet Renovator.” This device blew dust into a receptacle before forcing out the heavier dust particles and sending back purified air back through a nozzle. So impressive was this device that it was quickly sealed with a patent by its inventor, John S. Thurman .

The British boom

Up until the end of the 19th century, most – if not all – vacuum-related inventions originated from the Land of the Free. However, at the turn of the 20th century, many British inventors began to turn their attention to domestic cleaning devices.

In fact, it was during 1901 that Hubert Cecil Booth (a British engineer) teamed up with David T. Kenney (an American inventor) to create a horse-drawn combustion engine. This device pumped air through a cloth filter and used suction power to sweep up the debris. This would be the first of its kind to be called a “Vacuum Cleaner”.

However, despite the accelerated rate of vacuum innovation during this time, the earlier iterations were still clunky and awkward to operate. That was until Walter Griffiths of Birmingham, England, designed the oh-so catchy “Griffiths Improved Vacuum Apparatus for Removing Dust from Carpets”. Ironically, this tongue-twister was the simplest vacuum design yet and is often cited as being the first version of the modern cleaners we use today.

Just five years after Griffiths’ invention, James B. Kirkby invented the “Domestic Cyclone”, or what would later be called the “Kirkby Vacuum Cleaner.” Unlike previous models, it used water to successfully separate and flush out dirt – quite the engineering feat at the time.

High voltage vacuuming

The first portable electric vacuum cleaner came from an unlikely source. Where only acclaimed engineers and inventors had created electrical cleaners up until this point, the next iteration in vacuum technology came from a department store janitor. His name was James Murray Spangler of Ohio, and he secured the patent for the Electric Suction Sweeper in 1908.

The unique selling point of Spangler’s mechanism was its internal operating system; the electric fan blew dirt into a soap box and, delightfully, into one of his wife’s pillow cases. To loosen debris, a rotating brush was included.

His dream to become the next big name in the cleaning industry fell short, however, as he failed to secure funding. Thankfully, a local leather goods manufacturer, one William Henry Hoover, was eager to take the risk. He had accrued plenty of wealth over the years and soon got to work redesigning Spangler’s machine with steel casings, casters, and other expensive attachments.

Naturally, these flashy new devices took on the Hoover branding and sales soared. Today, the Hoover name is so synonymous with general cleaning that the term ‘hoovering’ is now used as a catch-all term to describe the act of vacuuming.

Modern-day vacuums

Innovation in the cleaning sector elevated sensationally in the 20th century. As a result, a new suite of domestic products were invented to help homeowners keep on top of their daily chores. The first electric irons, gas cookers, washing machines appeared during this time, while vacuums became cheaper, more common and, thanks to the Industrial Revolution, more hi-tech.

Using the advancements of the era, filter-less cyclones were soon developed to separate dirt from air more efficiently, while practical applications such as cordless, rechargeable, hand-held and autonomous vacuums expanded the product range. This meant that the previously bulky vacuums which were reserved for big domestic chores could be taken out of the home.

Today, vacuum cleaners come in all shapes and sizes, with their designs tailored to specific cleaning jobs. Stick models, for instance, are purpose-built for cleaning narrow spots, while upright models tackle bigger jobs which require more power, such as for cleaning pet hairs from carpets.

For more information about vacuums, or to see our range of Gtech cleaners, take a look at our fantastic range of cordless vacuums.




Tips for cleaning hardwood floors with your hard floor vacuum

Tips for cleaning hardwood floors

But before you pick up the Domestos, be warned: not all cleaning methods are made equal. For instance, did you know that some vacuums are only suitable for carpeted surfaces? Or that ammonia-based products damage the finish of hardwood?

If you answered 'no' to either of these questions, don't fret – we've got you covered. To learn how to clean hardwood floors like a pro, read on.

1. Focus on the finish

Even before you consider buying fancy cleaning products or breaking out the vacuum, you need to understand the finish on your hard flooring.

While we appreciate this might not sound like the most interesting of topics, it is key to understanding which products are safe to use during cleaning. For instance, if your floor has a modern seal, such as polyurethane, then all you need is a bucket of soapy water and you're good to go.

An easy way to determine whether your floor has an old or modern seal is to place a few droplets of water onto the wood. Modern seals will sit on top of the wood, whereas the droplets will soak through old seals.

Just keep in mind that large quantities of water will damage your wood, so make sure not to soak the floor. Similarly, make sure to clean small areas at a time, as this will prevent residual water from sitting for too long and absorbing into the wood.

If, however, your hardwood flooring has been wax-treated, you will need to avoid making contact with water completely, as it will damage the finish. Instead, take a moist cloth with a pH neutral cleaning solution to gently polish the wood. For more information about types of wood flooring, take a look at the Which? website

TOP TIP: Not sure which flooring surface is yours? It's easy to test. Just take a piece of extra-fine steel wool and dash with a touch of water. Then, rub the wool on an inconspicuous spot (perhaps one covered by furniture) – if a light grey smudge appears on the wool, you have a wax finish.

2. Source specialist hard floor vacuums

Gtech AirRam cordless vacuum in the hallway

A hardwood floor's greatest enemy? Dust. While it might seem minor, dust has a nasty habit of building up and wearing through the finish of flooring. This can result in a dull and rough finish.

To keep your hardwood floor in mint condition, you need a top-quality vacuum to pick up dust particles. You should do this once a week, or at the very least before a wet-clean, as any dust that gets trapped under a mop could scratch the surface as you clean.

For efficiency and ease of use, we recommend our very own AirRam MK2 for the job. Equipped with AirLOC technology, this cordless vacuum effortlessly glides across carpets to hard floors, picking up large and fine debris. What's more, it's ideal for moving into hard-to-reach places where dirt builds up, such as under sofas and in tight corners.

3. Everyday maintenance tips

We know what you're thinking: “How can I avoid dust build-up; it's inevitable?” But there are ways you can keep it at bay.

One of the simplest ways is to take off your shoes in the house. No, really, it sounds obvious, but it makes a huge difference. Even when they look clean, shoes track through all manner of dust, dirt and grime into your home. In fact, a study by the University of Arizona revealed that the average shoe is covered with more than 400,000 bacterial colonies. Most concerning of all is that 90 per cent of those germs transfer directly onto clean floors on first contact. Socks it is, then!

Additionally, you can protect high traffic areas with a carefully-placed rug - just remember to vacuum underneath it to remove any trapped dust.

TOP TIP: When choosing a rug for your hardwood floor, try to avoid those with vinyl or rubber backing as they can trap humidity and damage flooring.

To get started with cleaning hard floor vacuuming, you need the most efficient cleaning products on the market. For some of the best cordless vacuums, browse our range of hard floor vacuums today.

What you need to consider before buying a new vacuum

What you need to consider before buying a new vacuum

Whether you’re replacing a well-used device or buying your very first model, it can be tricky to know which vacuum cleaner is the perfect pick for your household. From flooring specific brush attachments to specialist dust bags, there are countless variables which, while you might have never considered before, should be at the front of your mind when buying a new vacuum. 

So, how do you make sure your choice ticks all the boxes before you’ve tried it out? It’s easy – just take a look at our handy guide below to see how you can find the vacuum of your dreams.

Firstly, how big are the cleaning jobs?

Before you begin browsing new nozzles and flashy attachments, the first thing you should consider is where you’ll be using your vacuum. For example, if you’ll be cleaning a small apartment, large (and expensive) vacuums simply aren’t necessary. Not only will they be difficult to store, they’ll also burn a needlessly large hole in your budget. In these instances, you may want to consider using a compact vacuum, such as our Multi handheld vacuum. This portable vacuum is also great to have to hand for quick clean ups or messy spills, without having to reach for a bigger cleaner.

The Multi weighs just 1.5kg when used with a nozzle, making it a great option for smaller homes and quick clean ups. If you think you’ll need more of a boost, the Gtech AirRam is the Multi’s perfect partner. Offering floor cleaning across a variety of surfaces, the AirRam works alongside our handheld for a complete home cleaning solution. If you need floor to celling cleaning, then our cordless stick vacuums may be the one for you. Our Pro 2 offers 11 different cleaning modes, using a combination of pole, power head and attachments. Simply remove the floor head, and attach the crevice tool for easy above the floor cleaning.

Which floor surfaces will you be cleaning?

If you’ve ever wondered why your new vacuum isn’t picking up every inch of debris, you might want to think about how well-suited your vacuum is to the job. For instance, if you have a hardwood floor, keep an eye out for certain features, such as rubber/felt wheels and soft bristled vacuum heads, as they’ll be much gentler on your floors.

If you have both carpet and hardwood flooring throughout your home, look for versatile models which are built to handle both types. Our AirRam, for instance, is designed to transition seamlessly between surfaces with no settings to change.

What type of cleaner are you?

If you take immense satisfaction in seeing how much dirt and debris has been collected by your vacuum cleaner, then you should consider a bagless vacuum. These types feature transparent bins which allow you to see the fruits of your labour.


If you’re more of the ‘out of sight, out of mind’ school of thought, look into bagged vacuums. Although traditional vacuums bags used to be pretty unreliable (imagine them ripping while you’re throwing them out and being impossible to find at your local supermarket!), things are looking up. Our Pro 2 vacuum range features triple-layered bags that are designed to be rip-resistant, trapping dirt, dust and hair around the home.

Do you need a lightweight vacuum?

While all our vacuums are classed as lightweight, if you struggle with heavy vacuums then the HyLite 2. Lifting and carrying the HyLite 2 is virtually effortless, perfect for quick clean ups, either upstairs or downstairs. In fact the HyLite range is our lightest cordless vacuum yet!

How much maintenance does it need?

Before choosing your favourite vacuum, you should always think about how much time and effort you’re prepared to put aside before, during and after cleaning. For instance, bagless vacuums, such as the AirRam, feature bins and filters that do all the messy work for you. The vacuum’s filters only need to be cleaned every so often and, if you misplace your filter, spares are available to buy online. The bin itself is easy to clean, too, with an ejector arm that slides the debris out – this means all you need to do is give it a quick rinse and dry before using it again.

Similarly, bagged vacuums are ideal for those who don’t want to deal with fiddly filters. All you need to do when cleaning these types is lift out the full bag, throw it away and replace with a fresh one. You’ll also get a mess-free experience with bagged varieties, as all the dust and debris is handily contained with your vacuum’s bag – this means no more ‘dust clouds’, as is typical of traditional cylinders. The bags in our Gtech Pro 2's, for instance, have enhanced dirt capacity, meaning less frequent emptying**.

Do you have pets to clean up after?

While all our cordless vacuum cleaner can dirt and embedded pet hair, our K9 range is designed specifically for homes with pets. By using aluminium components in crucial areas, the robust pet vacuum cleaners can withstand the extra strain that of daily cleaning schedules, keeping your vacuum going for longer. If you need something heavy duty, try our System K9 bundle upright and handheld bundle, or our Pro 2 K9 stick vacuum. And handier still! Our K9 pet vacuums all come with scented cartidges, helping remove smelly pet odours, keeping your home smelling fresh as you clean.


Now you know what you’re looking for, have a browse of our full range of cordless vacuum cleaners and find the perfect model for your home.


Making sense of vacuum cleaner specifications

vacuum cleaner specifications

At Gtech, we like to keep things simple - we make great products that our customers love, and we pride ourselves on being an honest and trustworthy brand. That's why we thought we'd run through what's behind all of the specifications we use on our vacuums.

These features are found on both corded and cordless vacuums, so you should be able to figure out what's going on, regardless of what cordless vacuum you have..

Voltage - measured in volts (V)

Voltage is essentially the way we measure electricity that's being supplied from an electric source. The electricity itself is a means of energy transfer, such as kinetic (think wind turbines) or solar energy.

Plug sockets in the UK are powered by our mains grid, and electricity comes out at 240V, with 10V lost through the process, giving us 230V. It's supplied to us as 'AC', which stands for 'alternating current' - because the direction of flow is constantly switching - and it's infinite in supply as it comes from the mains. You'll see it written as a 'V' on rating labels and in product descriptions.

A battery is a portable storage unit of voltage that contains a finite supply. Batteries can be charged, which replenishes them and means you can reuse them as needed. In comparison to our mains power supply, batteries use 'DC' voltage - 'direct current' - which means that the flow only goes in one direction around a circuit.

Current - measured in amps (A)

Current is the flow of electricity through a circuit - whatever draws it is using the power, such as a hairdryer that's plugged into the mains. Again, AC flows in multiple directions - this is constantly changing and is a consistent, stable form of high voltage electricity that comes from mains power outlets. If you're plugging a corded vacuum into a socket at home, for example, it will be running off AC.

DC, as we mentioned earlier, is direct current and only flows in one direction. Generally, this is linked to lower voltage sources, such as batteries, and solar panel electric generation. DC that is used in batteries is produced by conversions of chemical reactions to electricity.

Electrical power - measured in watts (W)

When we talk about wattage, we're talking about electrical power. To calculate wattage, you multiply the voltage by the current - this lets you know how much 'power' is being delivered. Let's simplify things...

Imagine a plumbing system with a water tank and different sized pipes coming in and out of it. The tank is the battery and the water in the tank is the finite level of electricity. The pressure in the system is the voltage as the water flows from the tank; the rate at which it flows is the current. The resulting flow that's generated by the movement of the water is the power which then turns a motor. It all comes together as a system, with power being measured in this way as it would be in an electrical item.

If you're wondering what this all means when it comes to vacuums, it's important to note that electrical power isn't a good indicator of performance, despite many people thinking it must be. We hear the word 'power' and assume that it links to how good a product is - how well it can clean our floors, for example. In fact, we should be looking at how the power is used to complete the primary task (vacuuming) and how efficiently it can complete it.

A product's power levels may be high but that doesn't mean that its performance will be. The wattage can actually be used inefficiently, like when motors overheat - this is a use of power but it's not a beneficial one. The wattage remains high but it's not being used in a good way for its primary function, so it doesn't really equate to anything in terms of performance.

Cordless products strive to be more efficient so that as much of the finite power available is delivered to cleaning as possible. That means that wattage isn't as important a factor as a lot of people think and that the way it's being used is what really matters. So, opt for a machine with a high wattage, sure, but make sure you find out how that's being used in terms of efficiency and consider other factors such as airflow, too.

Battery runtime - measured in watt-hours (Wh)

One thing to consider on battery-powered products is the watt-hours or watts per hour (Wh) of the product's battery pack. This is a good indicator of the amount of time your product will run for. This also depends on the amount of power your product uses and on the specification of the battery.

Going back to the plumbing system, the watt-hours would describe how big your tank of water is. If you have a large output pipe you would expect the tank to drain faster than if you had a smaller pipe.

A vacuum with an efficient running current and a large watt-hour battery will last a long time between charges. It is important to consider how long you want your product to run between charges when looking for your next vacuum - this is done by assessing the size and type of area you are cleaning and how much cleaning is needed.

Airflow - measured in volume per time, e.g. litre/second

Airflow is much more important than most people think, which is why we'll be going into more detail on it later. For now, we'll just explain what it actually is.

Essentially, airflow refers to how much air is moved in a given time across a surface. In simple terms, it's the speed of the air travelling through the airways of a product, in this case, a vacuum cleaner. This measurement takes into account the suction generated by the motor (see below for more info on suction) and the resistance of airflow due to filters or convoluted air paths that are long, winding or complex.

Airflow is probably the most important thing to look at when establishing the cleaning ability of a vacuum. Look at it this way - a vacuum cleaner that's blocked may technically be demonstrating a high level of suction by lifting whatever it is that's blocked it but, because it's blocked, the airflow is massively reduced and nothing more is actually picked up. Suction power is important in some ways, but airflow is definitely the first thing you should be looking at when considering buying a new vacuum cleaner.

Woman cleaning kitchen surface with Gtech Multi vacuum cleaner

Suction power - air watts

As mentioned above, a lot of people think that the most important thing about a vacuum cleaner is its suction power. Which makes sense, given that we all want a cleaner that picks up the dirt from around our home.

Technically speaking, suction power is calculated using airflow and vacuum pressure. It was originally devised as a means of converting electrical power to output power - essentially, how well a vacuum can pick up dirt. As a calculation, it's not really representative of how well vacuum cleaners can perform and can be pretty misleading.

Suction power measures how well a vacuum can lift heavy debris off the ground, which is relatively useful to know. However, it is airflow that moves that dirt through the airways and into the bin or bag, which is important when it comes to vacuuming. Airflow affects how the bin or bag fills up, which, in turn, affects the pickup performance and efficiency of your machine.

So, we've established that suction power picks up heavy items - so do rotating brush bars. Brush bars move across surfaces to agitate the dirt, and the airflow then lifts the dirt and transports it to the vacuum bin or bag. Ultimately, you want to be looking for good airflow combined with an agitator that works to physically bring the dirt into the vacuum rather than just focusing on suction power.

Our award-winning Gtech AirRam features a brush bar along with our unique AirLOC technology* which works to lift larger objects as well as finer dust and dirt. This means your vacuum picks up large debris on the forawrd stroke and locks on the backstroke to suck up embedded dust and fine dirt.

In case you've always wondered what 'AirLOC' stands for, it looks at the airflow as well as the vacuum's abilities in terms of 'Large Object Collection'. Rather than just focusing on the suction power of our vacuums, we work to make sure other elements are also efficient and deliver the level of performance that people have come to expect from Gtech.

Cleaning width

This one's pretty self-explanatory, and quite a nice break after all the technical jargon. Cleaning width literally refers to the width of the cleaning head or attachment being used - simple. The wider the cleaning head, the more area that can be cleaned in a single pass.

That said, wider heads are obviously more restricted by where they'll actually fit when it comes to vacuuming. A huge cleaning head might mean fewer passes on a piece of carpet as you cover more space per sweep, but it poses a huge problem when you try to clean between chair legs.

The cleaning head on our AirRam is 295mm - we've designed it for busy homes where vacuuming needs to be a speedy job, with as few passes as possible delivering a great clean. We know that a lot of people struggle to fit cleaning into their busy schedules, so the AirRam was built to clean in between furniture and to move easily around any obstacles with its low profile, reclining handle, making it ideal for reaching underneath beds and sofas.


A heavy product (such as a typical mains-powered vacuum cleaner) is cumbersome and difficult to lift, especially if you're carrying it up and down stairs. In general, mains products have large AC motors that are pretty heavy, along with long cables that contribute significantly to the product's overall weight.

When you're using a corded vacuum on the floor, its wheels bear a lot of the unit's weight and the cable is being trailed, so you don't have to carry the weight of it. With cordless products, the majority of the vacuum's weight is in the battery pack itself. The batteries used in cordless vacuums tend to weigh much less than mains cables do, meaning the weight you actually carry is intrinsically lower.

The most relevant aspect of weight is the weight you feel in your hand while vacuuming. You can have two products of equal weight, but if one's weight is predominately in the floor head (and being supported by the wheels and floor) and the other's weight is in the handheld unit, it'll feel as though the handheld is heavier. That's because that's the weight that you're actually experiencing, so it's worth considering the style of vacuum you think will fit into your lifestyle, and home, best.


So, we know about how airflow works. But what is filtration and why is it so important? As the air moves through the vacuum, it's laden with dirt and debris. Filtration is basically cleaning this air with the sole purpose of collecting it in a chamber whilst separating it from the airflow. Like sifting icing sugar through a sieve, you want to filter it out so that the finer particles fall to the bottom and make more room for the (soon to be compressed) larger clumps of sugar.

Filtration can be conducted via a filter, unsurprisingly, that traps dirt but allows air to pass, or by means of cyclonic separation. It might sound very scientific, but cyclonic separation is basically spinning the dirt around and waiting for the heavier bits to exceed the hold of the airflow so that they break away and drop down.

To measure how effective filtration is, we look at the size of particles that a filter can trap without becoming blocked and therefore restricting airflow, rendering the cleaner ineffective. Filtration is much more important than it sounds as it affects the overall performance of a vacuum cleaner.

So, there we have it - a brief guide to the technical side of vacuum cleaners. Hopefully, you've learned something new and have a better understanding of how your vacuum works. There's so much more to a great product that just suction power, so don't be afraid to delve a bit deeper and do your own research when it comes to choosing your next vacuum cleaner...

*AirLOC system is patent-pending - W02017/144922.

How to get makeup out of carpet?

How to get makeup out of carpet?

When you’re in a rush, it’s so easy to let a bit of mascara, foundation, or worst of all, some liquids spill onto your carpet. It might appear as though all hope is lost for your carpet, but fear not! Follow these few simple tricks to find out what gets makeup out of carpet.

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How to remove red wine from carpet?

We've all been there. That feeling of abject horror as your hand knocks your wine glass and the contents plummet towards the carpet – and it always seems to be a light coloured carpet! Whether you're in your own home, or worse someone else's, don't panic. When it comes to red wine stain removal, knowing what to do quickly is half the battle. Read on for our top tips to help you get red wine out of carpet so you'll be able to leap to the rescue.

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Healthy home, healthy you: 4 calming effects of cleaning

Healthy home, healthy you: 4 calming effects of cleaning

Housework is having a moment. Whether we’re sweeping floors or following Marie Kondo’s tidying tips, cleaning, while technically a chore, is becoming an increasingly enjoyable task for homeowners (if you don’t believe us, just search for #cleaningobsession on Instagram).

So, why has cleaning suddenly tapped into the nation’s psyche?

Some think it could be linked to the restorative feeling reaped after a thorough cleaning session, while others believe it’s that sweet sense of satisfaction experienced once everything is perfectly in its place. And that’s just the start.

Read on for more about the calming effects of cleaning.

1. Calms anxious thoughts

Whether it’s a stifling commute or a batch of deadlines that have you feeling uneasy, you could find solace in cleaning. The best way to tackle anxious thoughts is to physically take control of your surroundings. As such, a good spring clean is key (even if it is winter-time when you do it). This might mean reorganising your bookshelf, sweeping up the kitchen or wiping down skirting boards - whatever task you choose, you’re bound to feel calmer and more confident when it’s all over.

Other ways you can calm anxious thoughts:

  • Take a breather. Breathing slowly (in through the nose, out through the mouth) to calm and refresh your mind.
  • Get a good night’s sleep. This will ensure you have a clear mind and will feel energised when approaching potentially worrisome tasks.
  • Talk to somebody. Sharing even the smallest of worries will help you realise you’re not alone.

2. Cuts out distractions

Whether you’re working from home or sorting through bills, a messy home can often mean a messy mind. To keep those niggling distractions at bay, think about organising your personal space. For instance, you might want to buy storage boxes to keep your daily clutter out of your eyeline. With greater control over your home, you’ll be able to glide through your to-do list like a pro, giving you extra time to do the things you love the most.

Other ways you can increase your productivity:

  • Set your soundtrack. By blasting out your favourite Spotify playlist during your cleaning routine you’ll soon find enjoyment in even the most dreaded tasks.
  • Start with the big jobs. While it might feel good to knock several small jobs off your list, you’re more likely to get through them all if you simply tackle challenging jobs when your motivation is at its peak.
  • Hours of ‘peak productivity’ differ from person to person. To make sure you’re as productive as possible, discern when you’re feeling motivated and tackle your lengthiest jobs then.

3. Provides peace of mind

Regardless of how broad your network is, or how much space you have to play with, keeping a clean home is key for keeping a good social life. Just by throwing dirty pots and pans into the dishwasher in advance, or brushing a feather duster over work tops, you’ll not only will you feel more confident in inviting guests over, you will also be less stressed when they do arrive (thanks to your awesome organising skills).

Other ways you can boost your social relationships:

  • It’s good to talk. Offering to visit a friend or giving them a call, rather than texting, is great for strengthening your bond.
  • Smile. It sounds simple, but by showing a smile, you’ll not only look more confident, you’ll also appear much more approachable.
  • Start a hobby. Seeing the same faces time and again will help widen your network (and will give you even more guests to invite over!)

4. Eases stress

You needn’t be a clean freak to know that a messy home can cause bad moods. Whether you are struggling to locate the TV remote or can’t find your housekeys, any small inconvenience can exacerbate stress levels. To make sure you’re cool as a cucumber, think about ways you can simplify your everyday tasks in the home. For instance, if you often struggle to find an outfit to wear in the morning (resulting in a mountain of clothes to deal with later), you’ll want to re-organise your dressing room.

For this, you’ll want to take a leaf out of cleaning guru, Marie Kondo’s, book. Her masterful ‘KonMari method’ not only makes drawers look neat and tidy, they also offer up a full display of all your items – ideal if you get stressed out by last-minute rummaging and crumpled clothes!

Other ways you can reduce stress:

  • Embrace the great outdoors. Getting ‘green exercise’ can help reduce stress and boost positive thoughts.
  • Get a good night’s sleep. You’re more likely to feel overwhelmed if you’ve had a night of tossing and turning. Try to get between 6-8 hours to feel fully restored.
  • Head for herbs. Certain herbs, such as lavender, camomile and ylang ylang, are great for calming the mind. Try a scented candle or an herbal tea to wind down after a stressful day.

So, next time you need to break out the vacuum, don’t sweat it. In fact, take a great sigh of relief – you’re bound to feel so much better once you’ve tidied up your space.

To see how you can beautify your home – and to keep yourself serene in the process – browse the Gtech cordless vacuum cleaner range.

How to remove pet odours from your home

From used litter boxes to wet dog smells and dirty paws, lingering pet scents are a smelly inevitability that can be difficult to avoid. But it's not simply a case of covering them up with air fresheners or opening windows: you need longer-serving methods to keep bad pet smells at bay.

Carry on reading for a few tips on how to remove pet odours.

Vanquish pet hairs

Did you know that some of the longest-serving odours in the home are attached to pet hairs? To tackle these smelly strays, you need a specialist pet vacuum to get into every nook and cranny.

Enter, the Gtech Pro 2 K9. This lightweight vacuum (1.4kg in handheld mode) comes with attachments built to reach between sofa cushions and other hard-to-reach crevices. What’s more, our specialist K9 vacuum cleaners can be fitted with either scented cartridges or tabs, which give a burst of fragrance as you vacuum.

The magic of vinegar

While malt vinegar may be reserved for fish 'n' chips, white vinegar is your all-purpose pet odour remover. The strong acidity of the vinegar is the ultimate DIY deterrent for removing muddy paw prints, litter spills and - ahem - "accidents" from the home.

Even when it comes to musky dog smells, vinegar can be your saving grace. All you need to do is lightly spray your pet's bedding with a little vinegar. Once it evaporates, the odour disappears too.

You can use a similar technique to counteract litter box smells. Simply fill a small bowl with white vinegar and place near the litter box. This helps to neutralise odours without releasing potentially harmful chemicals into the air.

TOP TIP: Make sure you place the bowl of white vinegar out of the reach of any curious cats, to stop them having a taste.

A sprinkle of baking soda

Vinegar isn't the only household item that can help to evict pet odour from your home. Baking soda is just as effective.

Before you go to bed at night, just sprinkle a helping of baking soda on the carpets and in your pet's favourite areas. Then leave it overnight. In the morning, vacuum up the remaining baking soda.

The result is a fresh-smelling space. This is also a chemical-free method which won't leave any nasty toxins left in the air after a clean.

TOP TIP: If your pet despises bathtime, try sprinkling baking soda across their fur coat and gently rub it in. It works much the same way as dry shampoo.

Keep your fabrics fresh

Even thin and delicate fabrics have a habit of clinging to musty pet odours and stray fur.

To combat this, you need to remember to clean your household fabrics regularly. From duvet sets to couch cushion covers, anything that's machine washable should be put through a cycle as often as possible.

You can check how to clean different fabrics by reading the attached care label or by directly contacting the manufacturer.

Regular pet pampering

Okay, while we know pets can't help but emit musky scents from time to time, there are ways you can minimise the smell - all while making them feel loved in the process.

One way to keep smells at bay is by regularly grooming your four-legged friend. This helps to limit stray pet hairs before they spread throughout your home. You'll also want to bathe them regularly to prevent outdoor odours from entering the home.

TOP TIP: Ran out of dog shampoo? Use white vinegar after bathing your pooch to give them fresh-smelling fur (don't worry, it won't smell vinegary for long).

To get your home smelling fresh, you need a vacuum cleaner that is up to the task. For some of the most efficient devices on the market, browse our range of specialist pet vacuums.